A brand new year is here, and we’ve already begun noting down our new year’s resolutions. Year after year, we come up with different green new year resolution ideas - but the question remains the same - are we able to follow our resolutions? Are we able to achieve the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year? More than often, the answer is no.
So this time around, let’s come up with green resolutions that are easy to keep up with. And if you’re yet to get started with your set of resolutions, we’re sure these suggestions will help you kick start your fresh green goals for the year. So read ahead to know more:
Quit Purchasing Bottled Water
Why purchase bottled water when you can invest in reusable bottles? All you need to do is fill the bottle at home and carry it along wherever you go. It is super convenient and prevents a lot of extra plastic from ending up in landfills.
It takes almost 17 million barrels of oil to make plastic bottles each year - and if we all can make a conscious effort to stop buying them, we can make a huge impact. The best part about carrying a bottle of water everywhere? You can quench your thirst whenever you want to!
Invest In Plant-based Cleaning Products
We’re all well aware that the cleaning products we use in our homes are full of toxins. Unfortunately, each of these toxins has harmful effects on our health - and despite knowing this, we continue using them. But this year around, let’s take a step towards investing in cleaner, and safer home cleaning products.
Look for natural laundry liquid detergent, floor cleaner liquid, and natural home cleaners to keep your home spic and span. In addition, you can look for Born Good products – the brand has a whole range of other plant-based cleaning products such as laundry liquid detergent, floor cleaner liquid and others. These products are a great choice for your home - they are USDA certified, kid and pet-friendly, apt for different applications, and most importantly, make your home and clothes smell amazing!
Walk Or Use The Bicycle Instead Of The Car
Stopping the use of a car permanently may not be the easiest resolution, but we can always resolve to reduce our dependence on cars - especially for shorter distances. Of course, you can always choose to ride your bicycle or walk up for shorter trips (around 2 km or less, for a start).
So the next time you’re visiting your favorite dessert shop around the corner, leave the car behind. This would help cut down your carbon footprint, save money on fuel, and even help you stay in shape. Now that’s a win-win situation, isn’t it!
Purchase Local
Now that you’ve decided to walk around your neighborhood, also try looking around for some local markets to shop from. Going local for all your purchases - grocery, vegetables, and everything else can help cut down your carbon footprint drastically. Look out for farmer’s markets near you - typically, they are a once-a-week affair, where you can find everything you want.
The products are fresh and organic, so you wouldn’t have to worry about quality. Prepare a list of all the items you’d require during the week (according to your planned menu) and purchase all you need in one go. This would save you trips to the market too! Buying local has way more benefits than ordering stuff in - so do consider exploring markets near you.
Stop Using Paper Towels
Paper towels are super convenient to use - whether it comes to wiping spills or keeping hands clean during dinner. Unfortunately, paper towels are as harmful to the environment as they are easy to use. Almost 13 billion pounds of paper towels end up in landfills every day. So, if you’ve been using them often for every little thing at home, it’s time to reconsider your decision.
Instead of paper towels, you can invest in fabric napkins or cotton cloths. These are a one-time investment and can help reduce the number of paper towels each one of us uses every day. Cloth towels are also a better and environment-friendly option, so consider using them!
Summing Up
These are five green resolutions to get you started with! Super easy to follow, we hope these New year resolution ideas have got you all excited for 2022!